Cakephp VS Laravel: Key Features You Need To Know!

Cakephp VS Laravel: Key Features You Need To Know!

PHP is often used to create dynamic websites as well as building high-end apps.  PHP frameworks make it possible to make affordable websites with remarkable User Interfaces. CakePHP and Laravel both are very popular PHP frameworks. Hence, in this post, we will give you key features of CakePHP and Laravel so that you can decide which is better for creating Web Apps.

About Laravel PHP Framework

Laravel is a PHP framework with a MVC (Model View Controller) and is an architectural model. This is considered one of the most powerful PHP frameworks that result in enhanced productivity as well as solutions. Having its architecture Model View Controller, it provides a simpler design with methodical and well-organized documentation.

Features of Laravel:

Laravel being an open-source framework offers a broad range of intimidating features that leads to the formation of robust web applications. Hence, features of Laravel are as follows:

  • Template Engine: It builds layouts with dynamic content seeding with templates and also offers widgets that integrate with CSS and JS code.
  • Eloquent ORM: This framework has support for Eloquent ORM. It allows web developers to work with databases instead of writing SQL code and implements active record patterns.
  • Model-View-Controller: It supports the MVC pattern that determines the presentation layers and separate business logic. Also, it has various built-in functions and increased app performance.
  • Artisan: This built-in command-line tool automates recurring and tedious programming tasks. In creating a database structure and skeleton code, artisans ensure simple database management.
  • Security:  Laravel offers an instinctive way to create safe web apps. It doesn’t save passwords as plain database text; all passwords as a hash. Moreover, the ‘Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm’ is used to generate an encrypted password.
  • Routing: Routing in Laravel can be used for creating a restful application easily. Developers can name, group, filter, and connect the model information to the paths. Furthermore, to make search engines-friendly URLs, its routes can be very controlled and flexible.
  • Unit Testing: Laravel can also run numerous unit tests to make certain new changes don’t break the web app.

About CakePHP Framework

CakePHP framework uses software engineering methodologies and software design models to make web app development much more tempting. It follows the MVC model and functions with a front controller, and active records that help the developers in building apps efficiently and faster.

Features of CakePHP:

  • MVC Pattern: With CakePHP, Model-View-Controller targets modern programming requirements. It provides a unique way of working on a variety of development aspects in a significantly planned data processing system.
  • CRUD Scaffolding: This can help developers in many ways such as modify and update work that gives complete control of production dynamics.
  • Auto-Detect: CakePHP runs on the Autodetect feature does not need any kind of installation or fixing.
  • Built-in validation: This feature lets flow of entities, validation methods, and features that result in easier development.
  • Extend with Plugins: CakePHP allows reusing code and also building on existing facilities by extending programs with a broad array of features available in the form of behaviours, components, and extensions.


  • Routing: Laravel does comprise some complexity because of its reliability on the joint binding procedure. So, when it comes to data backup and handling standpoint, it is not much preferable. Besides, CakePHP in comparison to Laravel offers a simpler easier way for routing.
  • Backup: When it comes to CakePHP, the data backup and handling standpoint is not as better as Laravel.

Final Words

Many people have confusion in between CakePHP and Laravel; what to choose? Choosing the accurate PHP framework generally depends on the requirements of the project, time of work, as well as the development company you opt for. Both frameworks have their own unique features and advantages and the basic operation of both networks is intuitive. In addition to this, experts recommend CakePHP for small websites and Laravel for an enterprise solution.

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